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Our Offering

Increase Group is the leading, premium global event agency specializing in executive engagements and bespoke events, including roundtables, executive networking events, breakfast briefings, audience acquisition, a virtual portfolio and much more.

Our events are designed to be intimate and interactive, peer to peer led discussions in the best and most unique locations, including many Michelin starred restaurants with a hand-picked audience for each event. Our main goal is to deliver amazing, memorable experiences for our attendees, help them learn, expand their networks and take part in a unique event they will remember for years to come, unlike any other.

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Benefits for Invitees

There are many benefits when joining an Increase Group roundtable event where the primary function is peer to peer networking with like-minded industry colleagues experiencing the same or similar challenges. This is an opportunity to:

  • Brainstorm with like minded industry peers

  • Be involved in focused conversations in your areas of interest

  • Be part of an interactive and collaborative discussions where you have the opportunity to express your opinions and ideas

  • Gain competitive advantage and bring fresh ideas back to your business

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